Thursday, April 23, 2020DRUGTOBACCO

18K New Tobacco & Drug Industry Documents Posted Today!

We added 18,534 Industry Documents to our Tobacco and Drug Collections. Here's the breakdown:
  • 33 new JUUL documents - video and audio interviews with JUUL founders Monsees and Bowen as well as transcriptions of these interviews; 2019 State of California Complaint against JUUL; and transcriptions of House Oversight Committee hearings regarding vaping
  • 35 documents in our new PMI Reuters Collection - This small but important collection of documents was acquired by Reuters News for their series of stories "Inside Philip Morris" concerning Philip Morris International's (PMI) use of resources to combat the WHO FCTC; their marketing of the Marlboro brand in India; clinical trial complications of iQOS; and lobbying various health officials in an effort to distance the iQOS device from traditional smoking and cigarettes.
  • 18,384 new RJ Reynolds Records
  • 39 new Lorillard Records
  • 43 new Paxil Litigation Documents on ghostwriting as well as Dolin litigation exhibits concerning adult suicide risks

Happy Earth Day/Week!  We took to Twitter on Wednesday 4/22 to celebrate Earth Day by showcasing fossil fuel,  PFAS, EPA and Roundup/glyphosate documents revealing industry interference in efforts to protect the environment and public health. Take a tour through the thread to visit these important collections.
Thursday, March 26, 2020

Over Half-a-Million Pages Now in the Food Industry Documents Archive!

Food Industry Documents Update:

  • 10,290 new documents were added to the D. Mark Hegsted Papers collection on our Food Industry Documents Archive. This latest batch brings the Food Industry Documents to 575,471 pages in 133,324 documents! Thanks to the UCSF Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies and the Center for Tobacco Research and Education for an amazing collaborative effort to build this archive and to the Laura and John Arnold Foundation for funding our archive and giving researchers the infrastructure to begin investigation into US food and nutrition policy.

Tobacco Industry Documents Update:

Thursday, February 27, 2020FOODTOBACCO

New Food and Tobacco Industry Documents Posted

9,300+ new documents were added to the IDL this week!

4,119 New Tobacco Industry Documents including:

5,198 documents in a new Food Industry Documents collection:

  • We are please to announce the addition of our new Food Industry Collection, the D. Mark Hegsted Papers. Hegsted was a Professor of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, held various advisory positions within governmental organizations, served as president of the American Institute of Nutrition (AIN), worked with the Nutrition Foundation, and served as editor of Nutrition Reviews. Hegsted helped to draft the original Dietary Goals for Americans, later adapted into the Federal publication, Dietary Guidelines for Americans which recommended adding more fruit and vegetables to the diet and decreasing consumption of saturated fats.

Friday, January 24, 2020DRUGFOODTOBACCO

15 Million Documents and Counting!

This month we posted over 14,000 new industry documents to the site, surpassing the 15 million documents mark. Here's the breakdown of new documents added to the site in January 2020:

12,066 new Tobacco Documents including =

529 new Drug Industry Documents in two new Opioid Documents Collections =

  • Oklahoma Opioid Litigation Documents - selected Johnson & Johnson defendant exhibits and State exhibits admitted during trial in a lawsuit brought by the State of Oklahoma against Purdue, Johnson & Johnson, and other drug companies. The exhibits produced by Johnson & Johnson include agendas, minutes, and transcripts of the Oklahoma Health Care Authority Drug Utilization Review Board; data summaries and confidential reports on opioids, including investigations of use, abuse, misuse, and diversion of specific drugs (fentanyl, tapentadol [brand name Nucynta]).
  • Washington Post Opioid Collection - exhibits entered by the defendants in the Ohio opioid multi-district litigation (MDL 2804) which were unsealed after a legal challenge by The Washington Post and the owner of the Charleston Gazette-Mail (HD Media) in West Virginia. The documents reveal detailed communications, strategies, and reports by drug distributors to evade suspicious order monitoring compliance procedures in order to increase sales and profits from addictive drugs.

2,017 documents in the new Food Industry Documents collection =

  • Franklin Bing Papers - In partnership with the Annette and Irwin Eskind Family Biomedical Library and Learning Center at Vanderbilt University, we have added a selection of personal papers of nutritionist and chemist Franklin Church Bing (1902-1988), a leading food scientist and government/industry consultant.

Season’s Greetings from the UCSF Industry Documents Library!

The UCSF Industry Documents Library staff would like to thank all of you for your continued support and rigorous research into the Truth Tobacco Industry Documents, Drug Industry Documents, Chemical Industry Documents, Food Industry Documents, and new Fossil Fuel Industry Documents collections. Your scholarship has influenced public health policy around the world and produced over 1060 papers and publications using the documents.

Highlights of 2019
14,997,111 documents now up on IDL!

  • Over 52,900 tobacco documents were added to the Truth Tobacco Industry Documents
  • We added our first collection on JUUL Labs
  • We established an Opioid Litigation documents collection in the Drug Industry Documents Archive with more planned for 2020
  • More than 100 new documents were added to the Chemical Industry Documents Archive, including a new collection on PFAS chemicals which were featured in the 2018 documentary The Devil We Know (and are also the subject of the new Mark Ruffalo film Dark Waters)
  • Our Food Industry Documents Archive more than doubled in size, with over 74,000 new documents added this year. New collections include papers of nutritionists Fredrick J. Stare, Charles Glen King, and Nevin Scrimshaw, as well as subject files from the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) and records of the BC Sugar Refining Company
  • We built a new Fossil Fuel Industry Documents Archive to house over 1,100 documents from the Climate Investigations Center’s Climate Files project, which detail the fossil fuel industry's research and reaction to anthropogenic climate change beginning in the 1950s to the present.

Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to the Industry Documents Library to help us add new collections in 2020!

From all of us at the IDL, we wish you Happy Holidays and a Joyous New Year!
Kate, Rachel, Rebecca and Sven
Friday, December 20, 2019FOODTOBACCO

A Final Batch of Tobacco and Food Industry Documents for 2019

Tobacco Industry Documents Update:
160 new Tobacco Industry Documents added today:

Food Industry Documents Update:
11,268 new Food Industry Documents posted today

  • 1291 CSPI (Center for Science in the Public Interest) documents from their Subject Files. This is the final batch and brings the total number of documents in this collection to 12,769!
  • 5,864 new Fredrick Stare Papers
  • We are pleased to announce another new Food Industry Documents Collection - the Nevin Scrimshaw Papers. With the assistance of the Annette and Irwin Eskind Family Biomedical Library and Learning Center at Vanderbilt University, 4113 selected documents were posted today. Nevin S. Scrimshaw was a notable epidemiologist and nutritionist. Educated at both Harvard and University of Rochester, he served as a consultant to the Pan American Sanitary Bureau and then as a Regional Advisor on Nutrition to the Pan American Health Organization. Scrimshaw founded and was the director of the Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama, was a professor at M.I.T. and Columbia University and served as a Fellow at the Rockefeller Foundation.
Friday, November 22, 2019FOODTOBACCO

Tobacco and Food Industry Document Additions Posted!

Tobacco Industry Documents updates:
  • 22 new depositions and trial transcripts from Dr. Robert Proctor in Engle Progeny Tobacco Cases
  • 5 audio recordings of radio advertisements added to the JUUL Regulatory Documents Collection
  • 4 preserved websites added to the E-cigarette Marketing Web Archives collection, including sites for Measure C, Pax and Own It Voice It, a pro-vaping and tobacco advocacy site funded by Reynolds American, Inc.

Food Industry Documents updates:

We are pleased to announce the addition of the new Fredrick Stare Papers collection to the Food Industry Documents Archive.
Through a partnership with the Center for the History of Medicine in the Francis A. Countway Library at Harvard University, IDL has acquired tens of thousands of documents from the Fredrick J. Stare Papers. Dr. Stare was an American nutritionist regarded as one of the country’s most influential teachers of nutrition. In 1942, Stare founded the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, now the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. In 1978, Stare co-founded and served as chairman of the Board of Directors for the American Council on Science and Health (ACSH), which he served on until his death in 2002. Within Harvard’s nutrition department, Stare advised on, developed, and participated in public information, public education, and public affairs campaigns to ensure that key opinion leaders, the public, and government agencies accepted the conventional food system. This included campaigning for sugar and sugary breakfast cereals and characterizing the public’s fears about pesticides and inorganic fertilizers as unfounded. He fund-raised heavily throughout his tenure in the department, soliciting donations from many food industry corporations and interest groups.